Our Emblem
Our Mission
We believe that we are Christ's own, and that our reason for existence is to follow his commandments to love God and to love our neighbor as ourselves.
Our Vision
We believe that God loves everyone, no exceptions. In response to God's love, we act in accordance with our mission statement to bring people's hearts and minds to God. We seek God's face in everyone we meet. Everyone is welcome.
Our Mission and Vision by Presiding Bishop Michael Curry
"Being a Christian is not essentially about joining a church or being a nice person, but about following in the footsteps of Jesus, taking his teachings seriously, letting his Spirit take the lead in our lives, and in so doing helping to change the world from our nightmare into God's dream."
Mission for Creation Care
"Almighty God, in giving us dominion over things on earth, you made us fellow workers in your creation. give us wisdom and reverence so to use the resources of nature, that no one may suffer from our abuse of them, and that generations yet to come may continue to praise you for your bounty, through Jesus Christ our Lord."